I don’t know what it is about January that makes me want to purge, clean and organize everything but I went to town this weekend. We try to do this seasonally because we just seem to accumulate so much “stuff” that we need to purge so I can relax again. Do you know that feeling? When you just have so much clutter and nowhere to put it! Today I’m sharing 5 tips for purging and organizing your home so you can feel more relaxed and be clutter free.
1. Go through your clothes and get rid of everything that doesn’t make you feel happy. Do you hang onto things because maybe they were a bit expensive but they don’t fit anymore so you feel guilty letting go? Or maybe you convince yourself you’re going to wear them again and get your monies worth? Get rid of it! If something doesn’t fit anymore, if you haven’t worn it in a year or its ripped and stained – let it go. I promise you will feel so much better after. I go through everything and create a “sell”, “donate” and “trash” pile. If the items I can sell don’t go within two weeks then we donate them as well. Just think, if you went through and sold the items you are clinging to that you will most likely never wear again you can use those funds to treat yourself and buy something special that you can get use out of right now.
2. Organize your closets. I don’t know about you but nothing stresses me out more than opening a closet that’s cluttered and filled to the brim. How do you find anything? Our kids closets were getting pretty ridiculous (as seen below) so I picked up some great storage solutions from Giant Tiger to keep them organized. In Zoe’s room we cleared out the clutter and added an oversized laundry basked and shoe storage hanger. In the boys room we also added the oversized laundry baskets and 4 medium plastic grey bins to store bathing suits, toys, books, etc. The spaces both look so much cleaner now and it’s much easier to find what we are looking for.
3. Let go of everything you haven’t looked at in the last year. We have so many boxes filled with junk and when I take the time to go through it I try to remember the last time I ACTUALLY used it. If you haven’t used something (or worn) in 6 months to a year then it’s time to let it go. Declutter your life, it will feel so refreshing!
4. Store hand me downs and keepsakes. Kids grow like weeds and every season seem to be in a new size. If you plan on having more children and want to hang on to hand me downs or even keep a few pieces of your kids clothing as a keepsake I recommend picking up plastic storage containers. I picked our large grey ones up from Giant Tiger for under $7.00. These are great for storing in the basement. If you ever have a leak (which we have) you know your sentimental pieces are safely stored away so they won’t get ruined.
5. Invest in storage containers to keep everything organized. Whether it’s your linen closets, bedroom closets, organizers for beauty storage in the bathroom etc. they are worth the investment. If there is a place for everything then you will have a much easier time finding what you’re looking for. Giant Tiger has some great storage options like shoe racks, storage bins, toy organizer, book shelf, etc. that will simply your life and help keep you organized.
I’d love to hear your tips and tricks to purge and stay organized. Do you do this on a quarterly basis or just once a year? Let me know your thoughts.
Boys Room Before
Boys Room After
Zoe’s Room Before
Zoe’s Room After
Storage Containers For Keepsakes