Netflix Sibling Playlist #StreamTeam


Austin and Max get along for the most part but when it comes to sharing toys that’s necessarily the case. Thankfully, we have Netflix for down time and there is never fighting when it comes to their favourite shows. “GO GO Power Rangeeerrrrs”! I know…Max is only two and a half and it may be a little too old for him but they just love watching this series together. It’s been a bit of a life savour! I tried holding off for a bit but he just wants to watch whatever his big brother does. As a parent you have to pick and choose your battles…so Power Rangers it is!

Other honourable mentions: Antz and How To Train You Dragon 2. What are your kids streaming this month?


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  1. Alison wrote:

    Love Netflix! Always something on we want to watch, unlike cable.

    Posted 5.1.16
  2. Kristen wrote:

    How cute! Ellie loves Dinotrucks, Daniel Tiger, Mother Goose, and Hotel Transylvania on Netflix

    Posted 5.4.16

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